Foren Party F... Repatriation
ArslonMagons am 20.02.2023
I have always known about my Romanian roots, but until now I did not feel the need to move there. Now my wife and I are looking for a better life and decided to try to get a second citizenship to move to Romania. How can I quickly confirm my family tree connection with Romania in order to prove the right to citizenship. What documents are needed for this?
Maxim Tarasenko am 01.03.2023
As I understand your desire to join your Romanian relatives and get a better life for yourself and your family. But to make sure your family tree is connected to the Romanian documents, you need to take into account various circumstances, including those responsible for the birth and marriage of your Romanian ancestors, and other legal documents. The process of collecting all the permit documentation can be quite a rare case, in connection with which there were cases of use to specialists with the company Once all the necessary documents have been collected, it is already possible to start the process of regaining your Romanian citizenship, i.e. submitting an application to the Romanian government and ensuring that your family tree is linked. I would like to point out that if you do not follow the proper procedures for obtaining Romanian citizenship, you may face legal consequences. That is why it is so important to work with a reputable and experienced company that will find a way out and help in any situation.
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